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Cucuzzi Squash (Italian Edible Gourd)
Cucuzzi Squash (Italian Edible Gourd)
Our Price: $2.49

Also known as Cucuzza or Zucchetta Squash, this variety is technically a gourd but it is often referred to as a squash because the young fruit is edible. The squash is pale green with white flesh. Pick the fruit before it reaches 6 inches long. The flavor is sweet and nutty when the squash but it needs to be harvested very early as the skin can be very tough. 55 days.

Packet size: 4.5 grams
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Dwarf Yellow Crookneck Squash
Dwarf Yellow Crookneck Squash
Our Price: $2.49

This is a compact bush type variety that is extremely prolific. The fruits are bright yellow and curved, reaching 8 inches long. Particularly tasty, yellow crookneck squash is very popular. The dwarf plants are ideal for small gardens. 50 days.

Packet size: 4.5 grams (approximately 25-30 seeds)
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Early Prolific Straightneck Squash
Early Prolific Straightneck Squash
Our Price: $2.49

A bush type variety that yields fruit with glossy yellow skin and light yellow flesh. The squash is best picked young when the fruit is about 4-6 inches long. The fruit is cylindrical with a slight tapering toward the stem end. 50 days.

Packet size: 4.5 grams (approximately 25-30 seeds)
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Early White Bush Scallop Squash
Early White Bush Scallop Squash
Our Price: $2.49

Also known as Patty Pan. This bush variety produces very early pale green to white, pie shaped scalloped fruit. The squash is best when small as it is most tender and sweet. It has a mild sweet flavor and creamy texture. This variety produces a large number of squash on just a few plants. 50 days.

Packet size: 4.5 grams (approximately 25-30 seeds)
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Tatume or Mexican Squash
Tatume or Mexican Squash
Our Price: $2.49

This is a vining summer type bearing firm, green, fine flavored fruits. The round fruit is medium to dark green with faint stripes. These are very vigorous hardy vines with an excellent production of fruit. The squash is sweet and delicious baked or steamed. Harvest the fruit when it is about the size of a baseball for best flavor. Left to mature, it can be cooked like a winter squash. When used as a winter squash, the tough skin makes it a good keeper. 52 days.

Packet size: 4.5 grams (approximately 30-35 seeds)
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Grey Zucchini Squash
Grey Zucchini Squash
Our Price: $2.49

Grey Zucchini or Mexican Zucchini is a heat resistant variety that produces a light green squash that is flecked with grey. It is very popular in the Southwest and Mexico. Fruit sets all summer long making it terrific for the home garden. The fruit is straight and cylindrical and should be harvested when about 6 inches long for the most tender and mild flavor. If you have never tried this variety, it’s worth a place in your garden. 42 days.

Packet size: 4.5 grams (approximately 25-30 seeds)
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Round Bush Zucchini
Round Bush Zucchini
Our Price: $2.49

This variety is a delicious French heirloom known as Ronde de Nice that is far superior to the round hybrids. These beautiful zucchinis are absolutely round and are harvested when the fruit is about 3 inches in diameter. The fruit is a mottled green to gray color with creamy yellow flesh. This is a particular favorite in Southwestern squash dishes. Combine with tomatoes, green chilies and onions for a delicious stew. These fruits produce early and continuously throughout the summer. 45 days. Packet size: 4.5 grams (approximately 25-30 seeds) more info