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Bush Beans Pole Beans
Broad Beans Lima Beans
Beans are incredibly versatile, nutritious and delicious. Not only are the many varieties easy to grow, the plant helps your garden soil by adding nitrogen that plants can utilize. Snap beans are grown for their tender pods. These beans are most often classified as "bush" beans, those that grow only about 2 feet tall and do not need staking or "pole" beans that vine to more than six feet. Other beans such as broad beans and Lima beans are grown for their fresh seeds alone. Dry beans are allowed to dry on the vine and are used when their moisture content is very low. Save room in your garden for some of these wonderful varieties.

Each packet contains 1.25 ounces. Given the variance in seed size, number of beans range from about 35 (Fava Beans) to 140 (Snap Beans). You can plant succession rows of snap beans for an extended harvest throughout the summer and fall.

Cherokee Wax Bush Beans
Cherokee Wax Bush Beans
Cherokee Wax Beans are light yellow beans that grow from shiny black seeds. Vigorous and hardy, this seed produces 16-18" tall free standing bushy plants with a large yield of 6" long oval pods. This variety produces well in small areas. Somewhat heat and drought resistant. 48 days. more info

Our Price: $2.49
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Fava Broad Windsor Beans
Fava Broad Windsor Beans
These unusual plants produce flat glossy pods that measure up to 8" long. The fresh beans can be steamed for a few minutes or sauteed with garlic and onion. The fresh or dried beans are excellent in soups; prized for their mild delicious flavor. The dried beans are very large - about 18 beans to an ounce. 90 days. more info

Our Price: $2.49
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Golden Wax Topnotch Bush Beans
Golden Wax Topnotch Bush Beans
This variety produces straight, stringless, somewhat flat yellow pods. Plants grow about 16" tall and are very bushy. The seed is white with a brown spot. Beans average about 6" long. Tolerant to common mosaic virus and rust. 50 days. more info

1 ounce $2.49
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King of the Garden Pole Lima Beans
King of the Garden Pole Lima Beans
This old time variety yields a large amount of tender creamy-green flat Lima beans in large 6" pods. This variety loves hot weather and does not tolerate cold weather. These beans are larger than the Fordhook Lima bean. 88 days.

Packet size = 1.25 ounces
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Our Price: $2.49
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Rattlesnake Pole Beans
Rattlesnake Pole Beans
These heat and drought resistant beans produce deep green pods with violet stripes. Pods are round and about 7" long. These beautiful beans have a distinctive and delicious flavor. The dry beans are speckled with brown and black and adapted to dry country gardening more so than many other beans. Vigorous vines can grow more than 10 feet tall. 70 days.

Packet size = 1.25 ounces
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Our Price: $2.49
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Roma, Flat Italian (Romano) Beans
Roma, Flat Italian (Romano) Beans
This green bean has a unique and distinctive flavor that sets it apart from many other varieties. The vigorous plants produce thick stringless beans about 6" long. The pod is unusual because it is flat and wide. This variety produces an abundant crop over a long period. 60 days. more info

Our Price: $2.49
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Royal Burgundy Bush Beans
Royal Burgundy Bush Beans
These 24 inch plants produce beautiful deep purple pods. The contrasting purple pods stand out against the green leaves making them very easy to harvest. When steamed, the beans turn a bright green when cooked. This hardy heirloom is tolerant of heat and cold; producing long after other varieties have stopped for the season. 52 days. more info

Our Price: $2.49
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Tendergreen Improved Beans
Tendergreen Improved Beans
This hardy plant produces snap beans over an extended period of time. The bright green beans are slender, stringless and delicious. The mottled dark purple/black and tan seeds produce an abundant crop of mosaic resistant beans that do well in hot weather. 53 days

Packet size: 1.25 ounces
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Our Price: $2.49
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Topcrop Bush Beans
Topcrop Bush Beans
This hardy green bean is stringless and disease resistant. The bushy plants produce pods that are crisp, meaty, and straight. This variety can produce somewhat earlier than other bush beans. A vigorous producer, the pods are excellent fresh, frozen or canned. 52 days. more info

Our Price: $2.49
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